亚美政联邀社区领袖讨论气候变化议题 (China Press)





除了邀请民选官员外,现场还邀请了4位嘉宾参与小组讨论,他们分别是:非营利组织API Forward Movement的执行官斯科特陈(Scott Chan)、南加州爱迪生公司监管部门副主席的卡若林崔(Caroline Choi)、Our water LA的执行官伊维特·马丁内斯(Yvette Martinez)、专门负责水质监测确保水质不会导致健康隐患的洛杉矶市可持续发展部主席劳拉发贝。他们就环境保护问题分享了自己的一些经历,同时还介绍了他们的公司和机构所在部门对环境保护可提供的资源和服务。



亞美政聯領導才能暑期實習生開營 (World Journal)







今年接受政治實習的民選官員辦公室包括聯邦眾議員趙美心、Jimmy Gomez、Grace Napolotano,加州參議員赫南德茲、州眾議員Miguel Sanitiago、加州財務長江俊輝、洛杉磯縣政委員蘇麗絲和洛杉磯市長賈西提等。






亞美政聯領導營 12亞裔大學生不一樣的暑期之旅 (World Journal)







今年接受政治實習的民選官員辦公室包括聯邦眾議員趙美心、Jimmy Gomez、Grace Napolotano,加州參議員赫南德茲、州眾議員Miguel Sanitiago、加州財務長江俊輝、洛杉磯縣政委員蘇麗絲和洛杉磯市長賈西提等。






亞美政聯實習生 致力為亞太裔發聲 (World Journal)



亞美政聯16日晚在阿罕布拉市舉辦「領導才能實習生」(CAUSE Leadership Institute)畢業典禮,共有17位實習生透過六個月的實習項目培養領導才能,年齡均在20至30歲之間,希望日後能為亞太裔發聲,成為未來的領導者。


實習生之一、華裔王耀正(Alton Wang)表示,目前他在亞太裔統計機構AAPI Data上班,希望未來的研究方向是研究亞太裔人口如何投票,他們生活狀況如何等議題。認為透過參加亞美政聯領導才能實習生項目,加強了自身能力,提升自己人生和職業的發展,日後做一個強有力的領導者。


加州州長選舉 熱門候選人缺乏亞裔主題論壇 (Apple Daily)



加州州長選舉的初選日臨近,候選人積極落區聽取民意及主動拉票。由亞美政聯舉辦、史上第一場針對亞裔社區的州長選舉辯論上,邀請了5位加州州長候選人,就亞裔關注問題發表意見及辯論,惟民調支持度最高的現任副州長、民主黨的紐森(Gavin Newsom)並無出席。

辯論邀請了共和黨候選人考克斯(John Cox)﹑現任加州眾議員艾倫(Travis Allen),民主黨方面除紐森缺席外,加州財長江俊輝(John Chiang)﹑前洛杉磯市長維拉戈沙(Antonio Villaraigosa)及前加州教育部部長易思婷(Delaine Eastin)共5人同場較量;各人針對處理無證移民﹑大學按族裔錄取新生法案﹑教育資源分配﹑健保政策﹑環保﹑住屋危機﹑營商環境及亞太裔語言障礙等議題發表意見。

最針鋒相對的房屋問題上,眾議員艾倫抨擊另一名共和黨候選人、商人背景的考克斯,借助政府補貼的第8類房屋計劃賺錢,從窮人身上吸金;考克斯反駁稱,其名下房屋由私人資金所建,自己有多年經驗處理房屋問題,反指對方亂作故事,是「到處咬人的瘋狗」(slick talking attack dog)。






民調支持度最高的現任副州長、民主黨的紐森(Gavin Newsom)並無出席。張紫茵攝

民調支持度最高的現任副州長、民主黨的紐森(Gavin Newsom)並無出席。張紫茵攝

亞美政聯主席胡澤群及首席執行長Kim Yamasaki與候選人合照。張紫茵攝

亞美政聯主席胡澤群及首席執行長Kim Yamasaki與候選人合照。張紫茵攝









Pasadena Gubernatorial Debate Shows Polarization of Electorate, Even in California (Pasadena Now)

The 2018 Asian Pacific American Gubernatorial 2018 Debate at the Sexson Auditorium at Pasadena City College.

The 2018 Asian Pacific American Gubernatorial 2018 Debate at the Sexson Auditorium at Pasadena City College.

By Eddie Rivera, Community Editor | Photography by James Carbone

Demonstrating the current polarization of the political scene, even in heavily Democratic California, boos erupted several times during Friday evening’s gubernatorial debate at Pasadena City College.

The first instance came when former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was introduced, and continued any time either of the Republican candidates, Travis Allen or John Cox, mentioned President Donald Trump by name.

Allen also referred to his Republican opponent, Cox, as a “slumlord,” and criticized Cox’ apartments “with the cockroaches, the rats, and the holes in the walls.” Cox called those criticisms “lies.”

Friday’s debate, which was attended by several hundred, was the first Asian Pacific American-facing gubernatorial debate in California history, and featured Republican Travis Allen, Democrat John Chiang, Republican John Cox, Democrat Delaine Eastin, and Democrat Villaraigosa.

Democrat Gavin Newsom did not attend the event. His office did return calls or emails from Pasadena Now.

The debate was moderated by Richard Lui, of KNBC-4, and Seema Mehta, of The Los Angeles Times. Questions centered around healthcare, housing, environment, language accessibility and education.

The group of candidates was a relatively accurate spectrum of political leanings with Cox and Allen—Republicans with little chance of winning the state—hewing closely to a conservative, anti-undocumented, and anti-tax stance, while candidates Chiang, Eastin and Villaraigosa supporting varying degrees of liberal and progressive positions.

As an example, asked about the importance of the Asian voting population, Allen said, that, if elected, he would institute a state voter ID program, “so that only California citizens can vote.”

Chiang praised the importance of the Asian-American voting community, and said they have a “chance to have a profound effect on the state and nation’s elections in the future.”

Asked about the hot-button immigration issue, both Cox and Allen stressed border security and crime, with Cox calling Mexico a “corrupt and out-of-control country,” while Eastin noted that half of California’s businesses have at least one immigrant as a founder. Villaraigosa pointed to a recent study by the American Academy of Science, which determined that undocumented immigrants commit less crime than native-born Americans.

“That’s a fact,” he said, adding, “Let’s celebrate the fact that immigrants are contributing to this country.”

On the question of Affirmative Action programs, Eastin said, “I believe in Affirmative Action for lower income students, for people who have special needs, and I believe that this state needs to make college education free for each and every California student. Let’s focus on helping every kid in this state have a brilliant future.”

Chiang agreed, and said, “California education has been dramatically underfunded. We need Affirmative Action so we make sure that people get into the private sector at the highest levels.”

Allen lamented the current quality of California’s education and noted that the system, once the nation’s best, is now in the bottom of the rankings.

“We must fix our education system,” he said, emphasizing school testing at all levels.

Cox criticized educational spending, saying that too much was spent on administrators and not in the classrooms.

‘I want to see teachers paid like rock stars and athletes, based on merit,” he said.

Addressing health care, both Allen and Cox railed against single-payer health care, with Allen saying the system would “bankrupt the state in the first six months,” and saying that he would “eliminate and replace Obamacare.”

Cox called for a “free market health care system and pricing transparency,” adding, “we need to take out the government and insurance companies.”

Asked about climate concerns and the U.S. relaxing a slew of environmental regulations, Chiang said, ‘I believe in Climate Change. I disagree with the president, who said that it’s a hoax, created by the Chinese. Climate change is real.” Chiang said he would work to create a state that was fossil fuel-free by 2045.

“We need to keep the air clean,” said Cox, “but we need to balance out the costs and the benefits.”

Eastin countered, “I believe in something called science. I not only believe in what Governor Jerry Brown is doing, but I will take it much further. The reality is that we absolutely have to reduce our carbon footprint in this state.”

Addressing the housing and homelessness issue, Cox, who worked in the construction industry, said he would streamline construction regulations and claimed to have a plan to build three million homes in California over the next ten years, though he did not offer details. His remarks on housing prompted the attack from Allen.

Meanwhile, Eastin declared, “We need a full court press to make sure we’re building homes close to transit hubs,”, while Villaraigosa acknowledged that the cost of housing is the reason why California has the largest number of homeless in the country, and outlined a wide-ranging plan which included transit-oriented districts, “granny flats,” and housing trust funds.

While Newsom has made several trips to Southern California, including Pasadena, for fundraising, one local political insider posited Friday that Newsom would likely not make any Southern California debate appearances “until after June.”

The California Gubernatorial election is scheduled for November 6, 2018.

江俊辉州长候选人辩论会发言满堂彩 (US China Press)


【侨报记者高睿4月27日帕沙迪纳报道】亚美政联27日在帕沙迪纳市立学院举办了首场加州州长候选人辩论会,邀请加州财务长江俊辉、洛杉矶前市长威拉莱格沙(Antonio Villaragosa)、加州众议员艾伦(Travis Allen)、商人考克斯(John H. Cox)、加州公共教育前总监蒂莱恩·伊斯汀(Delane Eastin)等5位候选人就健保、移民、教育、环保、平价住房和亚裔在选举中的作用等多个议题进行辩论。在亚裔的主场辩论会上,江俊辉的每次发言都受到了热烈的掌声与喝彩,彻底改变了在其他辩论会上的“陪衬”形象。

辩论会结束后,有华裔选民调侃道,江俊辉拄着拐杖、行动不便也要参加辩论会,而腿脚利索、行动自如的副州长盖文.纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)却没有参加辩论会,足见谁更把亚裔选民的利益放在心上。(图片来源:侨报记者高睿摄)













加州州長候選人辯論「面向亞太裔社區」 五人舌戰 (World Journal)








參加當晚辯論的五位候選人有共和黨加州眾議員艾倫(Travis Allen)、共和黨成功商人考克斯(John Cox)、民主黨前洛杉磯市市長維拉萊構沙(Antonio Villaraigosa)、民主黨現任加州財務長江俊輝,和民主黨前加州教育廳長易思婷(Delaine Eastin)。

當天的辯論分為多個方面,包括大學和中小學教育、基礎設施、是否應該提供更多語言協助、是否應該實施平權措施(Affirmative action)、是否應該支持政府全盤控制的全民健保,以及是否應該有更嚴格的環保政策,以應對氣候變化,和如何讓商家留在加州。





對於中小學教育,五位候選人都認為加州投入大量經費,但總體教育排名卻在全國墊底。共和黨籍的艾倫和考克思認為應該限制教師工會的權力,把教育的選擇權交給家長和孩子,廢除所謂的共同核心課程規定(common core)。艾倫尤其強調不能讓學校變成左派的政治宣傳洗腦機構,而考克思則表示,歐巴馬可以把自己的女兒送到私校,為什麼普通人的孩子就必須困在爛學區不能走?
















州長候選人支持者 辯論會力挺 (World Journal)





當天下午6時,Sexson禮堂前的觀眾註冊攤位就已經準備就緒,不少民眾這時也已到場,直到晚間7時多辯論開始時,場內1000多個座位幾乎坐滿。場外還可以看到候選人的支持者,為前來觀看辯論的民眾做宣傳。候選人之一、加州財務長江俊輝(John Chiang)的競選團隊志願者,即在現場發著宣傳冊,他們穿著印有「John Chiang」標語的上衣。另有加州眾議員艾倫(Travis Allen)的兩三名支持者,在禮堂門口宣傳。

前洛杉磯市市長維拉萊構沙(Antonio Villaraigosa)約20幾人支持者,舉著支持他的標語,在禮堂外面遊行,並喊著他的名字。維拉萊構沙上前一一與他們握手。


來自菲律賓的Malou Mariano從長堤市特意趕來觀看辯論,她是江俊輝堅定的支持者。她說,從十幾年前就開始支持江俊輝。她認為江俊輝在職位上一直做的很好,江俊輝不僅為亞裔爭取權利,也為所有族裔都做了很多事,自己還將繼續支持他競選州長。



紐森缺席辯論 華人見解不一 (World Journal)

亞美政聯首次舉辦面對亞太裔的加州州長候選人辯論會的兩位主持人之一密塔(Seema Mehta) 。(洛杉磯時報網站下載)

亞美政聯首次舉辦面對亞太裔的加州州長候選人辯論會的兩位主持人之一密塔(Seema Mehta) 。(洛杉磯時報網站下載)

亞美政聯首次舉辦面對亞太裔的加州州長候選人辯論會的兩位主持人之一、華裔呂勇詩(Richard Liu)。(MSNBC網站下載)

亞美政聯首次舉辦面對亞太裔的加州州長候選人辯論會的兩位主持人之一、華裔呂勇詩(Richard Liu)。(MSNBC網站下載)



亞美政聯首次舉辦面對亞太裔的加州州長候選人辯論會,27日晚在巴沙迪那社區學院Sexson禮堂熱烈登場。主辦單位邀請NBC華裔新聞主持人呂勇詩(Richard Liu),以及洛杉磯時報政治記者密塔(Seema Mehta)擔任主持人。當天在辯論會展開前,場內外氣氛就頗為熱烈。



Who Showed up for the Latest Governor’s Debate? and What Did They Have to Say? (KPCC)

An empty lectern for gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom made clear what the organizers of the Asian Pacific Islander debate on Friday in Pasadena thought of his absence. MARY PLUMMER/KPCC

An empty lectern for gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom made clear what the organizers of the Asian Pacific Islander debate on Friday in Pasadena thought of his absence. MARY PLUMMER/KPCC

By Mary Plummer

On a night when the frontrunner was notably absent, five of the major candidates for governor participated on Friday in what organizers billed as the first Asian-Pacific Islander gubernatorial debate.

The event in Pasadena amounted to a flexing of electoral muscle for groups representing Asians, the fastest-growing racial group in the United States.

State Treasurer John Chiang, whose parents are immigrants from Taiwan, pitched himself as the strongest advocate for the Asian community.

“We have a profound opportunity to send a powerful signal to those in Sacramento that the Asian-Americans count,” Chiang said.

Chiang was greeted by loud applause and appeared to be a crowd favorite when he came on stage. But he has been trailing in recent polls.

A Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll released Thursday showed Chiang drawing 7 percent support among those surveyed, mirroring a Public Policy Institute of California poll released on April 11.

California Lt. Governor, Gavin Newsom speaks at the United Voices Rally outside the United Talent Agency Friday, February 24, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California. AFP/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

California Lt. Governor, Gavin Newsom speaks at the United Voices Rally outside the United Talent Agency Friday, February 24, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California. AFP/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

The frontrunner in the race, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, was invited to the API debate but did not attend the event — a move that frustrated event organizers and drew boos from the crowd.

A spokesman for Newsom’s campaign said he has attended eight debates so far, and plans to attend a televised debate in Silicon Valley on May 8 ahead of the June 5 primary.

The API debate organizers left an empty lectern on stage to underscore Newsom’s absence. The event was hosted by the Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment and dozens of community partners.

Newsom’s closest Democratic rival, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, chided Newsom for failing to show up and praised the other candidates who did.

“We’ve been on the campaign trail for a very long time. We’ve had our debates and our differences. But the fact that you show up says something, it says that you care,” Villaraigosa said.

Mayor Villaraigosa praises the new Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator. JERRY GORIN/KPCC

Mayor Villaraigosa praises the new Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator. JERRY GORIN/KPCC

The candidates – who’ve gone through numerous debates during the run-up to the primary — displayed relatively low energy compared to past debates. Republicans John Cox and Travis Allen were the only two candidates to get into significant verbal sparring.

Chiang arrived on a crutch, which his communications director Fabien Levy said was due to a sprained ankle. Former state Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin nearly lost her voice and coughed repeatedly during the start of the debate.

Several of the candidates repeated lines they’ve used during previous debates. Eastin, for example, got a small round of applause for a previously used dig at climate change deniers as she discussed her views on the environment. “I believe in something called science,” she said.

The candidates responded to several specific questions about issues impacting the Asian Pacific Islander community. In response to one about the role of improving language diversity across government, Democrats and Republicans parted company.

Allen advocated for a renewed emphasis on ensuring all Californians learn and become proficient in English. “English unites us; language does not divide us,” he said.

Cox’s struck a similar note: “We do people no favors by encouraging people to not learn English.”

California Democratic gubernatorial candidate, California State Treasurer John Chiang, greets union carpenters during a campaign event near the Golden Gate Bridge on June 7, 2017 in San Francisco, California. JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES

California Democratic gubernatorial candidate, California State Treasurer John Chiang, greets union carpenters during a campaign event near the Golden Gate Bridge on June 7, 2017 in San Francisco, California. JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES

But Chiang disagreed, appealing directly to the audience.

“We want to encourage Californians and Americans to speak multiple languages,” he said. “We need to get to know each other better to connect.”

Voters will narrow the field for governor in the primary, with the top two voter-getters, regardless of party, advancing to the runoff in November.

This story has been updated.

067: Lights, Camera, Apa Debate! (Model Majority Podcast)


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加州州長候選人辯論 江俊輝承諾若當選2045年加州不再用化石原料 (Sing Tao Daily)




而共和黨商人考克斯(John Cox)講求成本效益,指出潔淨的清水和空氣非常重要,但需要在成本和效益上作出平衡,加州政府的管理不善,導致近年山火頻生,這山火的碳排放量,比加州汽車一年的總碳排放更多。而民主黨前加州教育廳長易思婷(Delaine Eastin)和民主黨前洛杉磯市市長維拉戈薩(Antonio Villaraigosa)主張要更多的環境政策,保護環境。而共和黨加州眾議員艾倫(Travis Allen)認為,民眾應該在潔淨安全的情況下使用自然資源。



California Gubernatorial Candidates to Clash at Pasadena Debate Tonight (Pasadena Now)


Five out of six California gubernatorial candidates have confirmed their attendance for Friday’s first-ever Asia-Pacific American-focused gubernatorial debate in California history, to be held at Pasadena City College from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Organizers predict broad state-wide issues will be discussed.

Those who have confirmed attendance are State Assembymember Travis Allen, State Treasurer John Chiang, business John Cox, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, and former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

The sole question mark is front-running Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor of California since 2011, who has not said if he will attend. Newsom’s office did not return requests for information from Pasadena Now on Thursday.

Miko Jeao, Manager of Voter Engagement at Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE), a co-host of the debate, said the event is supported by a number of other community organizations.

“There are a lot of debates that have happened throughout California with a bunch of different communities in mind, and there’s never been one for the Asian-Pacific-American citizens,” Jeao said. “So we decided to team up with over 70 community partners and over 20 media partners to form together and host the first-ever APA gubernatorial debate this Friday. Some of the questions are going to be topics that are geared towards our community, but a lot of the questions are just general debate questions.”

Today more than one-third (5.7 million) of the United States’ Asian-Pacific-American population resides in California, according to CAUSE. California is also home to the largest number of APA-owned businesses (32 percent of the total in the nation) and boasts an Asian-Pacific-American consumer market of $172 billion.

With the Asian-Pacific-American population comprising nearly 15 percent of California’s electorate, the community has the potential to decide the outcome of the 2018 elections.

The debate is also hosted by the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) Greater Pasadena Area.

Assemblyman Travis Allen was first elected to the State Assembly in November of 2012, representing the 72nd Assembly District, which includes the cities of Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Westminster, and Los Alamitos, also the unincorporated communities of Sunset Beach, Midway City, and Rossmoor. In addition, the 72nd Assembly District also includes portions of Cypress, Stanton, Anaheim, and Santa Ana.

Allen is running on a 5-Point Plan to Take Back California, which says the state must cut taxes, get tough on crime, fix its roads and reduce traffic, once again provide the best education in the country, and complete the State Water project.

John Chiang was elected on Nov. 4, 2014, as California’s 33rd State Treasurer. As the state’s banker, he oversees trillions of dollars in annual transactions, manages a $75 billion investment portfolio, and is the nation’s largest issuer of municipal bonds.

In addition, he chairs financing authorities that help provide good-paying jobs, better schools, improved transportation, quality health care, more affordable housing and a cleaner environment. He handles those duties while sitting on the governing boards of the nation’s two largest public pension funds with combined assets exceeding $496 billion.

John Cox, as a businessman, has been a conservative leader for more than 35 years, serving on Jack Kemp’s national steering committee and as Newt Gingrich’s California Finance Chair. He was a leader of the successful effort to remove disgraced Democrat Mayor Bob Filner in San Diego, and a major backer of the Paycheck Protection campaign to rein in the corrupting power of the public employee unions. Now, at the request of California’s Republican Members of Congress, John Is serving as Chairman of Give Voters a Voice, the initiative campaign to repeal the gas tax increase.

Cox built his own business from scratch to a $200 million enterprise with almost 100 employees. He is active in charitable organizations, and serves as a Board member for the San Diego USO. Cox also founded an organization that repairs the homes of low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities. Since 1991, that organization has mobilized 20,000 volunteers and repaired over 1,000 homes. He is both a fiscal and social conservative, and supports 2nd Amendment rights and strongly opposes Gov. Jerry Brown’s Sanctuary State.

Delaine Eastin, a professor of education, was the first and only woman to date to be elected California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, serving from 1995 to 2003 under Governors Pete Wilson and Gray Davis. Eastin represented parts of Alameda County and Santa Clara County in the California State Assembly between 1986 and 1994.

After leaving elected office, Eastin became the first Executive Director of the National Institute for School Leadership, and a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Educational Leadership at Mills College, where she directed the Center for Civic Engagement and Women’s Leadership.

She has served or serves on a number of boards advocating for foster youth, women’s rights, healthy lunches, civic engagement of youth, gardens in schools, electing more women to public office and getting more women into STEM education. She also served on the Gevirtz School of Education Board at UCSB and the Alumni Board at UC Davis, as well as chairing the UC Davis Center for Nutrition Education Board.

Antonio Villaraigosa was the 41st Mayor of Los Angeles, from 2005 to 2013. Before becoming mayor, he was a member of the California State Assembly (1994–2000), where he served as the Democratic leader of the Assembly (1996–98), and Assembly Speaker (1998–2000).

During his tenure as mayor, he gained national attention for his work and was featured in Time’s story on the country’s 25 most influential Latinos. He was the first Mexican American in over 130 years to have served as Mayor of Los Angeles. He was term limited and could not run for re-election in 2013. He continues to be actively engaged in education, civic engagement, water, immigration, transportation, and economic development issues.

Villaraigosa believes that “making our state work for everyone starts with making sure everyone has a voice.”

“I’m running for Governor to do big things – starting with rebuilding our middle class by investing in our schools and repairing our infrastructure,” he said. “But we’re never going to make this state work for us again unless we give voice to the people who are all too often not heard in Sacramento.”

Friday’s debate will be at PCC’s Sexson Auditorium at 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. The event is free and open to the public.

For more information, visit www.nwpcgpa.org/events or www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-apa-gubernatorial-debate-tickets-42300610264 to register.

California Governor Debate Descends into Name-Calling (Courthouse News Service)

Candidates for the California Governor debate Friday evening, April 27, 2018. (Nathan Solis/CNS)

Candidates for the California Governor debate Friday evening, April 27, 2018. (Nathan Solis/CNS)

By Nathan Solis

Candidates for the California Governor debate Friday evening, April 27, 2018. (Nathan Solis/CNS)

PASADENA, Calif. (CN) – California gubernatorial candidates duked it out at the first Asian-Pacific American focused debate on Friday evening where they shared their vision for the state’s healthcare, immigration policies and what language Californians should speak.

Three Democrats and two Republican candidates were asked if they supported language access for Californians.

Republican candidate and state assemblyman Travis Allen said the best thing the state can do is provide basic proficiency in reading and writing to its children.

“Let’s not kid ourselves: this country was founded on English,” Allen said.

Democrat candidate and state treasurer John Chiang, a child of Taiwanese immigrants, agreed English is important, but said so is diversity and the multiple languages people speak.

“We need to know each other to better connect,” Chiang said.

The crowd at Pasadena City College responded to verbal jabs traded between candidates. Republican businessman John Cox called Allen a slick-talking “attack dog” after he said Cox and his housing units benefit from Section 8 and said he was a “slumlord.”

Candidates and event organizers also took their swipes at Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, who declined an invite to Friday night’s debate. He also declined an invite to another debate in San Bernardino County earlier in the day.

Less than 40 days to the June primary, the race for California’s governor is for second place. That’s because Newsom has a comfortable lead in the polls, leaving the rest of the candidates in a battle to get enough votes to meet him in November.

Newsom, 50, leads in a poll with 30 percent of likely voters saying they would vote for the former mayor of San Francisco. That’s a bump from 26 percent in December, according to a survey from the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley.

Meanwhile, Republican candidates Cox and Allen passed former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in the same poll, with preference for him at just 9 percent, a decline from 17 percent in December.

Cox has 18 percent support, almost double from what he had at the end of 2017 and Allen has seen a boost to 16 percent, according to the Institute of Governmental Studies poll from UC Berkley.

Rounding out the pack are former state superintendent of public instruction Delaine Eastin and Chiang, with 4 and 7 percent support as of late-April.

At Friday night’s debate, candidates presented their message to the Asian-American community at the event hosted by the Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE).

Cox called California unfriendly to businesses and a “judicial hellhole” where regulations are crushing business.

“The Asian-American community knows it,” Cox said.

The candidates spoke about issues important to them, with Eastin saying she believes in science and would continue to carry the environmental policies of Gov. Jerry Brown.

Chiang and Villaraigosa said they advocated for affirmative action, because it provided them access to education.

Eastin called herself the American dream.

“I’m the daughter of a machinist and dress clerk,” Eastin said. “I want every kid to have the chance I had. We need quality education for every child.”

The audience booed and cheered as the sanctuary law was brought up by candidates, but not by the moderators. Both Allen and Cox said they would repeal the law, while the other candidates said diversity is part of the state’s strength.

Villaraigosa said, “Let’s fix this broken immigration system,” to some cheers, while Cox called Mexico a corrupt country, which received jeers.

The top-two primary election will be held June 5.

*A previous version of the article incorrectly attributed a quote from Cox to Allen.

ABS-CBN TFC, BA Support First-Ever APA-Facing Gubernatorial Debate in California History (Woman.ph)



ABS-CBN The Filipino Channel and BA, its daily news show in North America, have joined over 70 community organizations and over 15 press agencies in the Asian Pacific American (APA) community to support the Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment (CAUSE) in hosting the first ever APA facing-Gubernatorial Debate in California History. Tickets are sold out with over 1,200 guests attending.

The historic event will take place this Friday, April 27, from 7-8:30pm Pacific, at the Sexson Auditorium of Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California. Those who don’t have tickets can watch the livestream on the CAUSE YouTube channel.

Invited gubernatorial candidates are:

Travis Allen (R) (Confirmed)
John Chiang (D) (Confirmed)
John H. Cox (R) (Confirmed)
Delaine Eastin (D) (Confirmed)
Gavin Newsom (D)
Antonio Villaraigosa (D) (Confirmed)

The debate will be moderated by MSNBC and NBC News Anchor Richard Lui and Los Angeles Times political writer Seema Mehta.

APA communities are the fastest growing ethnic group across the nation. Today, more than one-third (5.7 million) of the United States’ APA population resides in California. California is also home to the largest number of APA-owned businesses (32% of the total in the nation) and boasts an APA consumer market of $172 billion.

With the APA population comprising nearly 15% of California’s electorate, it has the potential to decide the outcome of the 2018 elections.

Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment (CAUSE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based organization with a mission to advance the political empowerment of the Asian Pacific American community through nonpartisan voter outreach, training, and education as well as leadership development.

Watch the CA Midterm Gubernatorial Debate Live on CAUSE (Balitang America)


By Steve Angeles

As we dig deep into the 2018 midterm election seasons, BA has partnered with Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment, or CAUSE, for what may be California’s most important elections: the race for governor.

This Friday at 7 PM, at the Pasadena City College, five of the gubernatorial candidates will be debating for the Asian Pacific American community.

California is home to the largest Filipino population. Many important issues are expected to be brought up during the forum.

CAUSE will YouTube live-stream the debate through their website CAUSEUSA.org.

【面對亞太裔】27日州長辯論 預約旁聽 (World Journal)


加州歷史上第一次面向亞太裔社區的州長候選人政見辯論會,將在27日晚7時至8時30分在巴沙迪那社區學院 (Pasadena City College,PCC)的Sexson禮堂舉行,屆時排名前六的五位候選人將在醫保、移民等問題上表述自己的政見。該政見會免費對公眾開放,唯需事先在網上預約:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-apa-gubernatorial-debate-tickets-42300610264

五位將參加政見會的州長候選人為加州華裔財務長江俊輝(John Chiang)、加州眾議員艾倫(Travis Allen)、律師考克斯(John Cox)、前加州教育廳長易思婷(Delaine Eastin)、前洛杉磯市市長維拉萊構沙(Antonio Villaraigosa)。

今年州長競選的大熱門之一的副州長紐森(Gavin Newsom)將未能出席,根據其競選團隊聲明,是因為近來辯論會太多,他無法抽身參加。

此次政見會由公益組織「亞美政聯」(Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment ,簡稱CAUSE)聯合70多個社區組織和15多家媒體共同舉辦。亞美政聯首席執行長(Executive Director)Kim Yamasaki說,「這是一個讓加州州長候選人分享他們對亞裔美國人群體需求和問題看法的好機會。」


In California, Asian Americans Find Growing Political Power (NBC)

By Agnes Constante

A growing number of Asian-American candidates are running for elected office at all levels of government, particularly in California.

LOS ANGELES — When Rob Bonta became California’s first Filipino-American state legislator in 2012, he wanted to show that someone who understood the Asian-American community could be a champion for it.

In his first year, he introduced a bill requiring schools to teach the Filipino-American role in California historyincluding in the farmworkers labor movement. That measure was signed into law the next year.

In this 2015 photo, Paul Chavez gives Assemblymember Rob Bonta a tour of the Agbayani Village in Delano, California, a retirement home created for Filipino farmworkers. Courtesy Of The Office Of Assemblymember Rob Bonta

In this 2015 photo, Paul Chavez gives Assemblymember Rob Bonta a tour of the Agbayani Village in Delano, California, a retirement home created for Filipino farmworkers. Courtesy Of The Office Of Assemblymember Rob Bonta

In this 2015 photo, Paul Chavez gives Assemblymember Rob Bonta a tour of the Agbayani Village in Delano, California, a retirement home created for Filipino farmworkers. Courtesy Of The Office Of Assemblymember Rob Bonta

“That was very much inspired by my Filipino-American heritage, my family’s own personal experience in the movement, and was something I wanted to share more broadly with the larger Filipino-American community and the larger Asian-American community and the larger California community,” Bonta said.

His election is part of a trend of growing political power for the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, especially in the state of California, where AAPIs account for nearly 15 percent of the population, according to Census estimates.

In 1980, there were at least 160 AAPI elected officials in various levels of government, including Congress, state legislatures, counties, cities and school boards, according to Pei-te Lien, a professor who specializes in Asian-American politics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. By the time Bonta was elected to the California State Assembly, there were at least 343. That number had grown to at least 463 by 2016.

California is home to many of those elected officials: 16 of the 120 lawmakers in the state legislature are currently Asian American or Pacific Islander, according to Catherine Nou, chief consultant at the California Asian and Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, and several cities and counties in the state have majority Asian American boards of supervisors or city councils.

Voters cast ballots in Los Angeles County in California on November 6, 2012. FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP/Getty Images

Voters cast ballots in Los Angeles County in California on November 6, 2012. FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP/Getty Images

The community’s growing influence can also be seen on California’s ballot this year.

California voters will find at least a dozen Asian Americans contending for office in the June primary election, including state treasurer John Chiang, who is running for governor; state controller Betty Yee, who is seeking re-election; and California Board of Equalization member Fiona Ma, who is running for state treasurer.

The number of candidates has prompted the Los Angeles-based nonprofit Center for Asian Americans United For Self Empowerment (CAUSE) to organize what it calls the first ever AAPI-focused gubernatorial debate in the state’s history, scheduled for April 27. The event is the largest in a series of debates the group is planning as part of its voter engagement initiatives.

“I think for us … 2018 really felt like an opportunity to leverage the community to get out there and vote,” Kim Yamasaki, CAUSE’s executive director said.

“We’re seeing more AAPIs running for office up and down the ticket,” Christine Chen — executive director of APIAVote, a nonprofit that aims to boost civic participation among AAPIs — said. “It’s not just only the school board or city council or various commissions, but we also saw a lot more success in state legislature races as well.”

James Lai, an ethnic studies professor at Santa Clara University who focuses on political participation, noted that a key reason for the rise in political representation is rooted in suburbs that serve as “political incubators,” where candidates can get early experience in politics.

One of the most prominent examples of an elected official going through such a political incubator, Lai said, is Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif, the chair of Congress’ Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.

Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., speaks during the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia , Wednesday, July 27, 2016. Paul Sancya / AP

Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., speaks during the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia , Wednesday, July 27, 2016. Paul Sancya / AP

“She started on the Monterey Park City Council and then worked her way up to State Assembly, then ran in the congressional house district from California that included Monterey Park,” Lai said. “So she kind of built it up that way. And I think that’s a great example of what we’re going to see in California in the future.”

Once candidates successfully make it out of these incubators and into elected office, it enables them to create a pipeline through staffing choices that can enable others to replace them in the future, Lai added.


Outside of government, organizations like CAUSE and the Asian Pacific Islander Community Leadership Foundation also contribute to the pipeline through leadership training.

Annie Lam, executive director of the League of California Cities Asian Pacific Islander Caucus and founder of APIs Mobilize, reaches out to high school students in areas with large AAPI populations and recently launched a training program to teach AAPI legislative staffers leadership and management skills.

“We all have our training programs to help build the bench. And that goes into the infrastructure building,” Lam said. “APIs get elected, then they hire API staff, then we train them so that they move up in the ladder in the legislature.”

By 2040, the number of Asian American registered voters is expected to hit 12.2 million, according to a 2015 study by the UCLA Center for the Study of Inequality and the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies.

But the rapid growth, even with the rise in AAPI political representation and power, does not necessarily mean there will be proportional growth in the political sphere, Lai, the Santa Clara University professor, said.

“You’re already seeing trends within Asian-American communities, this low voter turnout,” he said. “What we need to do is focus on the reasons those gaps exist.”

According to the Pew Research Center, 49.3 percent of Asian voters went to the polls in the 2016 election, less than White (65.3 percent) and Black (59.6 percent) voters and slightly ahead of Hispanic (47.6 percent) voters.

The reasons for the gaps, Lai said, are in part tied to language and systemic barriers.

Some advocates say civic engagement among California AAPIs, especially in recent years, is on the rise.

“I think more and more people are seeing if they don’t vote, they have no say in the issues,” Mary Anne Foo, executive director of the Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance, said. “A lot of these issues affect them on a daily basis, from healthcare to housing to taxes to small business development to access to higher education, poverty.…They see the importance of having that voice.”

Once candidates successfully make it out of these incubators and into elected office, it enables them to create and facilitate a pipeline that will enable others to replace them in the future.

Once candidates successfully make it out of these incubators and into elected office, it enables them to create and facilitate a pipeline that will enable others to replace them in the future.
Foo said she has noticed that Asian Americans are also voicing their opinions in ways other than heading to the polls on election day. Some college students have advocated for Dreamers, as participants in the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program have become known.

“I think they’re really fired up,” Foo said. “I think I can see more young people running for office.”

As California heads into the future, Bonta said he expects that AAPI political power in the state will continue to grow and strengthen.

Of the 16 Asian-American and Pacific Islander members of the California legislature, 12 are members of the California Asian and Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, which Bonta chairs. He calls that figure a “historic high.”

“We have momentum moving in the right direction,” Bonta said. “And as we continue to display our API talent in the political world, that will lead to changing attitudes and changing culture that will open up more doors and provide more opportunities for API leaders to step up and lead, and in the process strengthen our API political empowerment.”

First-Ever APA-Facing Gubernatorial Debate in California History


Contact: Haidee Pan
Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone: (213)269-4639
Email: haidee@causeusa.org

Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment (CAUSE) has partnered with over 70+ community organizations and 15+ press agencies in the Asian Pacific American (APA) community to host the first ever APA facing-Gubernatorial Debate in California History. Tickets are sold out with over 1200 guests attending.


Richard Lui (Moderator)
News Anchor, MSNBC and NBC News

Seema Mehta (Moderator)
Political Writer, Los Angeles Times

Invited gubernatorial candidates:

  • Travis Allen (R) (Confirmed)

  • John Chiang (D) (Confirmed)

  • John H. Cox (R) (Confirmed)

  • Delaine Eastin (D) (Confirmed)

  • Gavin Newsom (D)

  • Antonio Villaraigosa (D) (Confirmed)

What: Leading candidates of the 2018 California Governor Race will debate issues facing the APA community.

When: Friday, April 27, 2018, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Press should arrive at 6:30PM to ensure ample time for setup before the debate.

Where: Pasadena City College
Sexson Auditorium
1570 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91106

Parking is $2 in Lot 5. A map of Pasadena City College is available at https://pasadena.edu/about/campus-maps.php

Why: APA communities are the fastest growing ethnic group across the nation. Today, more than one-third (5.7 million) of the United States’ APA population resides in California. California is also home to the largest number of APA-owned businesses (32% of the total in the nation) and boasts an APA consumer market of $172 billion.

With the APA population comprising nearly 15% of California’s electorate, our community has the potential to decide the outcome of the 2018 elections. We are a community that cannot be ignored.

Interview Opportunities:

The Sexson Auditorium balcony will be reserved for the press for the duration of the debate.

Interviews with campaign representatives and/or candidates may be conducted after the program from 8:45 PM  – 9:15 PM in Room C155.

Photo Opportunities:

  1. Speakers:  Mariko Carpenter, Charlie Woo, Kim Yamasaki

  2. Moderators:  Richard Lui, Seema Mehta

  3. Gubernatorial Candidates: Travis Allen, John Chiang, John H. Cox, Delaine Eastin, Antonio Villaraigosa

Dress code:
Business casual/casual attire is appropriate.

Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment (CAUSE) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan, community-based organization with a mission to advance the  political empowerment of the Asian Pacific American community through nonpartisan voter outreach, training, and education as well as leadership development.

For any further inquiries, please contact CAUSE via phone at (626) 356-9838 or email at info@causeusa.org. General information can be obtained from our website at www.causeusa.org. Our office is located at 260 S. Los Robles Avenue, #115, Pasadena, CA 91101.
